Are you in Lisbon on April 18? Congratulations: it´s the best day to uncover historical secrets

Lisbon has so much to offer that can be hard to know where to start. What to see? What are the mandatory monuments? What I cannot lose?
Finding the answer to these questions becomes easier to April 18, the International Day of Monuments and Sites, which is to say that museums and monuments open doors with guided tours, workshops and conferences.
Lisbon has a number of initiatives not to be missed. Take note:
Roman Galleries of Rua da Prata
This is an unforgettable and probably unrepeatable experience: the Roman galleries open once a year (usually are submerged) and the time is highly anticipated, which explains the loooong queues. But four hours of waiting are compensated with a visit to the famous Roman galleries underpinning Lisbon downtown. A unique opportunity to explore a part of the city that few have had the opportunity to visit.
Where to eat: Caneca de Prata(Rua da Prata, 163) – House of sandwiches and snacks with almost 40 years of existence. The piglet sandwich is one of the house specialties.
Chapel of Our Lady of Health, Martim Moniz
An opportunity to meet episodes of the prehistoric era of Lisbon, with testimonies recorded by archaeology and providing information on another Lisbon that existed 5000 years before our era.
Where to eat: Martim Moniz Square – The square has a number of kiosks with dining options for all tastes. Try the kiosk Moules & Gin, where you can taste delicious mussels with a glass of wine or gin.
St. George’s Castle
Here is one of the most popular destinations for tourists. Visiting St. George’s Castle on 18 April will allow attending a Shooting Archery Tournament in an environment that recreates the training conditions of the archers of the Middle Ages.
Where to eat: Chapitô à Mesa- Two minutes from St. George’s Castle, it offers one of the best views of Lisbon combined with exquisite cuisine.
Church of St. Christopher
Opportunity to meet one of the oldest churches of Lisbon, with a unique heritage, and one of the few that has withstood the 1755 earthquake.
Where to eat: Leopold – After a day of historic discoveries, here is a culinary discovery in one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Lisbon. The chef Tiago Feio creates magic in a small restaurant where there is no stove and all the food is made by vacuum. The result? An unforgettable experience.
Casa Fernando Pessoa Museum
Tours to the house where lived one of the greatest geniuses of Portuguese literature: Fernando Pessoa. The house of the writer who lived here in the last 15 years of his life has three floors, is divided into several areas and it’s even possible to visit the writer’s room, which keeps some of the original furniture, like the bed or the famous typewriter.
Where to eat: Flagrante delitro – Cafeteria same side of Casa Fernando Pessoa where you can taste Portuguese dishes as fried cod with baked rice beans and tomato rice.